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COP26 Panel Discussion: Designing an equitable carbon-free future in Minnesota & the Midwest

Part of the US Virtual Climate Action Center Events. Hosted by Minnesota Center for Environmental Advocacy.

Watch a recording of our Nov. 3rd panel discussion live from COP26 featuring three Minnesota experts on the ground in Glasgow talking about efforts to push for a just transition to a carbon-free economy — one that values public health and the environment, provides opportunities to low income communities and communities of color, respects treaty rights, and cracks open the status quo to explore new ideas and structures for the economy of the future. The panel, called Designing an equitable carbon-free future in Minnesota and the Midwest, will be hosted by the Minnesota Center for Environmental Advocacy (MCEA) and the US Climate Action Center. 

Watch the recording below!
  • Line 3 activist and professor of medicine, Dr. Laalitha Surapaneni, will discuss the pivotal role of health professionals in advocating for a fossil-free future. Surapaneni is an Assistant Professor of Medicine at the University of Minnesota and a Member of Health Professionals for a Healthy Climate
  • Renewable energy developer and small business owner, Jamez Staples, will share insights from his experience bringing jobs rooted in the clean energy revolution to North Minneapolis, a predominantly black and low income neighborhood in Minnesota. Staples is the CEO of Renewable Energy Partners. 
  • Designer, educator and change-maker, Virajita Singh, will talk about how to incorporate both sound design and Equity, Diversity and Inclusion principles into local initiatives and projects. Singh is a senior research fellow and adjunct faculty at the University of Minnesota College of Design and the Associate Vice Provost of the UMN Office of Equity & Diversity

The panel, which will be moderated by MCEA Climate Director and former State Senator and Chair of the Minnesota Public Utilities Commissions, Ellen Anderson, is a great opportunity for Minnesotans at home to get an insider look at the international conference and hear from leading voices in the growing environmental justice movement about what they hope to see come out of this year’s global summit on climate change.