fbpx Reject NTEC | Minnesota Center for Environmental Advocacy

Utility companies, including Minnesota Power and Dairyland Power in Wisconsin, want to build a new fossil fuel power plant in the Duluth-area called the Nemadji Trail Energy Center (NTEC) to serve customers for decades to come. 


It’s a reckless and dangerous proposal that should never happen. Here’s why:

  • It will harm human health
  • It will exacerbate the climate crisis 
  • It’s not necessary to meet future energy demands
  • It’s a bad investment for ratepayers and shareholders


Simply put: 

It’s a BAD idea. Why would we invest hundreds of millions in an outdated, unnecessary new fossil fuel power plant that hurts ratepayers, human health, and our vulnerable climate when we have better, cleaner, safer options to power our future? 

The answer is: We shouldn’t. 


We need your help: 

This is a tough fight, and we need your help to win. 

Stopping the construction of a new fossil-fuel gas plant in the midst of a climate crisis is critical, which is why MCEA has dedicated so much staff time and resources to stop it. Donate to our efforts today to help fund the effort. 

MCEA is on the frontlines of this fight. We are pushing the federal government to deny a subsidized loan under consideration by the United States Department of Agriculture to help fund the construction of NTEC because it’s woefully inconsistent with the Biden administration’s climate pledge. The federal government should not be subsidizing fossil fuel infrastructure in the middle of a worsening climate crisis. Especially when we have better, cleaner ways to power our future. 

The Minnesota Public Utilities Commission (PUC) also has the power to ensure Minnesota ratepayers aren’t stuck with the bill for this plant, so MCEA is working alongside clean energy partners – Fresh Energy, Sierra Club and Clean Grid Alliance –  to prove to the PUC that NTEC is not in the public interest and must be denied.