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Abigail Hencheck

a white woman with curly hair smiles, wearing a blazer against a dark background
Staff Attorney

“I care about the environment in large part because I care about people. That's not the only reason. I also love the environment in its own right. I am an avid hiker and am well on my way to getting my plaque for visiting every Minnesota State Park. (Did you know you can get a plaque for visiting every Minnesota State Park?!) But my passion for environmental protection flows squarely through my passion for human and civil rights. When we destroy the planet in the name of profits, it’s people who suffer. And that suffering falls disproportionately on those who are already vulnerable in our society. I’ve dedicated my career to environmental protection because time is running out to save our planet. And we cannot have a just world if we don’t have a world.”

Abigail has a B.A. in International Studies/Human Rights and Philosophy from the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point. She received her J.D. from the University of Minnesota Law School, where she focused on human rights. Prior to working at MCEA, Abigail completed a two-year fellowship at Gender Justice, where she litigated civil rights cases, and then litigated domestic violence cases at Mid-Minnesota Legal Aid.