Ann Cohen
"I grew up in with a paddle in my hand, and hiking boots on my feet, and the Ozark Mountains in my view. Why would people want to degrade and ruin this beautiful wild place? But they did: with dams, development, and uncontrolled industrial discharges and dumping. I always knew I would work to save our environment, the question was how? Would I be a reporter, a scientist, or a lawyer? After trying the first two careers, I settled on the law as my tool, and represented our state environmental agencies as an Assistant Attorney General for 32 years to help them acheive their mission to protect the environment of this state. I am happy now to bring my knowledge of administrative law and litigation to MCEA."
Ann graduated from Yale University with a B.A. in Political Science in 1981, and obtained a J.D. from New York University School of Law in 1985. From 1985 until 2018, she worked for the Minnesota Attorney General's Office.