Save the date for MCEA's annual fall event on the banks of the Mississippi River.
Tickets available soon.
Join MCEA for our annual fall event, Defending True North. Here at MCEA, “true north” isn’t a direction but a set of values that we share with supporters like you. Together, we stand up in courtrooms, the legislature and boardrooms, all to defend Minnesota’s environment. This year, we're excited to introduce you to our new leadership as we look forward to the next 50 years of our work.
We hope to see you Sunday, October 5th, 2025 at the beautiful Leopold's Mississippi Gardens for our annual fall event, Defending True North.
Leopold's Mississippi Garden is a picturesque rolling lawn in Minneapolis nestled along the shores of the Mississippi River. We'll gather rain or shine: while we're planning to be outdoors during peak foliage, indoor space is also reserved. MCEA is committed to providing accessible and inclusive events. We will provide golf carts for transportation of guests as needed. Please contact if you have accessibility requests.