Jay Eidsness
"I have always been happiest exploring the curiosities of untamed landscapes. For me, the beautiful chaos of nature is the tonic for the inevitable maladies affecting modern life. Sadly, increasing threats to these wild places forecasts a future bereft of the wonder of unspoiled wilderness. Preventing a bleak tomorrow demands a vigorous and inspired response today. As an attorney with MCEA, I am committed to wielding my talent and experience as a skilled litigator in the fight for clean air, water, and soil."
Jay holds a B.A. in communication and biology from St. John’s University and a J.D. from Vermont Law School. Prior to joining MCEA, Jay litigated wage theft cases on behalf of employees striving for proper wages and clerked for Judge Ann D. Montgomery in U.S. District Court for the District of Minnesota. Jay serves on the board of SPAM FC - a local non-profit dedicated to offsetting rising college expenses - and co-owns an eco-tourism kayak guiding company on the Mississippi River.